Beauty Of GOD


Inspirational Blog

Why I Love Beautiful

By: Junia Gurganious “Build HER Up 23”

In time God will reveal what’s True❤️

People will start out with a BEAUTIFUL idea for an invention, work project, or family event. However, often times they fail and quickly succumb to it not being supported, cursed by an enemy, or not being approved by God. Yet, I have often wondered if they’ve taken the time to focus on the unseen aspects of their efforts. If God has placed beautiful on your heart to do something, you must take yourself and man out of the equation. 

Spending time with Him solidifies where He wants you to use the gift. We often equate a good idea only to where we are planted. My husband is a recording artist for Christ. Someone reached out to tell us that there is a person close to us who had cursed our ministry and that’s why there is no movement in him becoming a global artist. I chuckled. He chuckled because we’ve been preparing our armor through GOD.

 Did they think we were doing it for the fame and fortune? 

No! My husband sings for Christ and if he reaches one of God’s children, that is touching the globe. Our goal is to prepare our hearts for Christ.

2 Corinthians 4:18 – what’s seen is temporal but what is not seen but done for God is eternal. 


B – BEAUTIFUL. Romans 10:15 – How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news

E – Enthusiasm – Romans 12:1 – Be enthusiastic in serving the Lord in all YOU do

A – Ask – Matthew 7:7 – Ask Him for what YOU need. 

U – UNDERSTANDING Jeremiah 3:3 – What YOU don’t understand, He will show YOU 

T – TEMPERANCE – Galatians 5:22 – Temperance in YOUR lifestyle 

I – IGNORE – Psalm 37 – Fret not. Ignore any enemy 

F- FORGIVENESS – Luke 6:37 – should be a part of your armor 

U-UNIQUENESS- Ps 139:14 -Your Uniqueness and Authenticity was orchestrated by GodYou are fearfully and wonderfully designed by God. 

L – LOVE – 1 Corinthians 13:13 – Love is the greatest. Let it cost your heart with his anointed oil.

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