Glory & Reflection

June 16, 2018

Are You the Reflection of the Man God Has For You?

Ladies, are you ready for a relationship? What is your assessment that determines you are truly ready for a man to enter your life? Some women who desire to be in a relationship, and eventually married, tend to ask God to send a man who meets all of the criterion on their checklist. On the other hand, there are some who focus on making only one very specific request known to God. However, when the man enters her life with that one quality, she ends up complaining because she figured out the one quality is not enough to sustain the relationship. Well if you have ever noticed, God’s Word does not return void. Therefore, when praying, being specific is a must especially when you are requesting something in particular.

Personally, I could never figure out why I kept getting men that fit in the same category. As I continued in this pattern, I found myself in my first marriage asking God for his will to be done, although I knew if had become unfixable. Still not learning my lesson though, I moved right along continuing to bump my head. Eventually, I became aware of how I was refusing to ask God for the type of man I desired. Though it took me quite a while, I finally realized I had to start within myself. I had to allow God to work on me first, clean me up, and remove my blinders. Once I reached this point, I began to see the woman I needed to become in order to receive the type of man I desired. I had to be the reflection of this godly man. God is love, trust, compassion, patience, understanding, forgiveness, faithfulness, strength, encouragement, obedience, honor, peace, joy, kindness and the list goes on. Once I was filled up with these characteristics, I was able to pray for my husband and not just for a husband. I prayed for him as if he was already i

n my presence. Remember when we, as children, had that imaginary playmate that nobody could see? Well, I had that imaginary husband that nobody could see, and everything I had become, I prayed for it to be in him. Talk about prayer being answered! On August 20, 2017 my reflection asked me to be his queen. Then, on October 14, 2017 my reflection ask me to be his wife. Finally, the conclusion of the matter will take place on June 16, 2018, when our reflections will become one image, not of ourselves, but of God. I encourage you to let God clean you up and take off the blinders so that you can become the reflection of the godly man He has for you.

1 Cor 13 “Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth; it always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves. Love never fails.”


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