Why Me?


Have you ever asked God those two words? I’ve asked him those two words frequently and still do. Why me? Perhaps, you feel inadequate or just aren’t sure where you fit into life. Maybe you’ve done everything under the sun and think God could possibly not use me with all my “baggage”. Or you’re not sure about this whole God thing. Well ma’am, here’s why you. YOU MATTER A LOT! Not only are you someone’s mother, daughter, sister, wife or friend but you are a part of God’s master plan.

Jeremiah 1:5 states, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart…” God is not surprised by your thoughts, actions or feelings. In fact, he going to use all of it, the bad and the good, for his glory (Romans 8:28). For example, Moses’ birth mother hid him in the Nile to save his life against the decrees of Pharaoh. He was later found by Pharaoh’s daughter and was raised up as an Egyptian prince. Moses’ fled after he killed an Egyptian because he had witnessed the afflictions of fellow Israelites. BUT like the good father he is, God still had a plan in mind for Moses. Moses lead the Israelite’s out of Egypt and into the promise land that he swore to them. God was with Moses from the very beginning and never left his side. He used his shortcomings to still bring forth his ultimate glory. Even during the moments Moses lacked faith or felt inadequate because of his speech, he chose Moses for that very assignment.

See sis, your assignment/purpose is bigger than you. Not only will it refine the person you are but it will propel your family lineage, it will deliver those in captivity and give you things unimaginable. Do not be discouraged in this hour, if you failed, get back up. When you don’t feel worthy, wash yourself in God’s word. When life tells you, it’ll never happen, put your foot to the gas petal of “YES IT WILL”. God doesn’t use perfect people; this is evident in many stories in the bible. No matter the level of walk you are on with God or just starting out, keep going. This generation needs you, I need you and your family needs you. Writer-

#BamCoach – Blog- theegirlcode.blog

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